Meu Einstein

by Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein



App offers online check-in tests, pre-scheduling, results, etc.

O aplicativo Meu Einstein oferece ao paciente Einstein a gestão da própria saúde na palma da sua mão. Através do aplicativo Meu Einstein você poderá acompanhar os registros de saúde de forma rápida e segura, além de simplificar o acesso a serviços prestados pela instituição. O aplicativo fornece grandes funcionalidades que visam facilitar a sua vida. Confira abaixo nossas funcionalidade: - Visualização de resultados de exames; - Compartilhe seus exames com seu médico; - Coleta domiciliar; - Check-In de exames; - Unidades e tempo de espera; - Pronto atendimento; - Ambulância; - Agendamento Drive Thru PCR COVID-19; - Atendimento Rápido; - Encontre seu médico por nome e/ou especialidade; - Novo Coronavírus - Avaliação COVID-19; - Reabilitação pós COVID-19; - Disponibilidade de vacinas; - Cadastre seus dependentes; - Veja os exames de seus dependentes; - Confira os canais de contato para agendamento de consultas.The My Einstein app offers Einstein patients the management of their own health in the palm of their hand. Through the Meu Einstein application you will be able to follow health records quickly and safely, in addition to simplifying access to services provided by the institution. The application provides great features that aim to make your life easier. Check out our features below: - Visualization of exam results; - Share your exams with your doctor; - Home collection; - Check-In of exams; - Units and waiting time; - Prompt service; - Ambulance; - Drive Thru PCR COVID-19 scheduling; - Fast Service; - Find your doctor by name and / or specialty; - New Coronavirus - COVID-19 evaluation; - Rehabilitation after COVID-19; - Availability of vaccines; - Register your dependents; - See your dependents exams; - Check the contact channels for scheduling appointments.Esta atualização realizamos algumas melhorias na funcionalidade de agendamento.Isso quer dizer que sua experiência será ainda melhor.Sugestões? Mande para nós [email protected]

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Doesnt work, it doesnt log in at all

Eduardo Palou

It was Very practical and helpful application.Lately is not working at all and can't even log in,plus when you click Need help nothing happens. I tried installing the app again,but same result,nothing works,shame,since it was all working well before.

Luksa Kristovic

Preciso ver o resultado do meu exame para poder viajar daqui a 12 horas e o aplicativo não consegue me registrar!!!!!!! Vou ter que ir para o aeroporto mais uma vez, quem vai pagar o meu estacionamento???

Cristiane Jacobs

Just works as it was supposed to I just miss the medical support in Rio de Janeiro or at least the contacts, for a detected civd case for example, I had to look out myself all the next necessary steps, would be good to have some help from the app to support people that are not local and have a hard time to find medical care etc

Elton only good tracks

Very bad

Oscar Manjarres

I am travelling today and the app doesnt work for giving me the results of my covid test, I will loose my flight just because of this app, after I write my passport the app says that the service is unavailable and I have to wait, it is been like thst the last 20 hours

Ricardo Gajardo

"This device is not safe" false positive prevents me from using the App.

Igor Hjelmstrom Vinhas Ribeiro

Not working. Error that says : Unavailable Service. Unable to pull up my test results.

Fabio Da Rocha

Horrible experience. Online checkin is manually controlled on the waiting line. The consequence is: they "forget to check if there where any online checkin", kept a pregnant woman 40 min waiting and getting delayed to the exam. After they where asked, they went to a room and magically "remembered" to verify the online checkin. Just dont use it. Horrible

Rodrigo Yuji Maruyama

Sorry, but it has been a while since I've seen an application like this one. It doesn't work at all. Even the website, does not work. There is no way to book an appointment online you have to call. My biggest concern is how am I going to get the results if your application does not work?

Jefferson Cunningham